诸神 众神之路

生肖 2024-02-10 10:57

(1) 天上之神

三清、三清是道教的最高神,即玉清、上清、太清。 道道君,上清大帝),太清道德天尊(又名道德天尊,太上老君,混元老君,生天尊,太清帝君)。

太清界为大赤天,神宝君居; 上清界为玉玉天,灵宝君居。 玉清境为清微天,天宝君居; 三清境之上,便是大洛天,元始天尊的居所。 三清在三个仙界住三天,每一个都是“三洞主”。 三东指的是道教真经的三大类:东真、东玄、东神,元始天尊东真部、灵宝天尊东玄部、道德天尊东神部。 三清之中,元始天尊地位最高。 《历代神仙通鉴》称他为“主持天道的始祖”。 关于元始天尊的名字,道经云:“无始祖无上,而能为万物之始,故名元始。云道万物,至尊至尊,外常清明,万物皆明。”出于天界,故名天尊。” “生于太渊之前,天生元气……以为神灵之体,永存不死。每逢天地初开……赐予秘道,谓之开天地。”劫难救人……众神皆救……,有太上老君、太上丈人、天真皇人、五方天帝等仙官。” 元始天尊一般供奉在道教三清殿的正中,头顶玄妙圆光,手执赤丹酒,或者左手空空。 捻转,右手空握,象征“天地未成,万物未生”之时的状态。

灵宝天尊,乃是三清境中的第二位神尊。 《东真大东真经》云:太上道君二晨之精华,九卿紫烟重生洪氏,养人。 ,三千七百年后,诞生于西方玉叉山的符罗山,因此成为上位仙人,受诸神崇拜,玄机主玉净,身边各有三十万金童,三十万玉女。 在道教三清观中,灵宝天尊常供奉在元始天尊的左侧,手持太极图,或手持玉如意。

三清之中,以道德天道信仰最为普遍。 《魏书·史老志》开始称其为太上老君说:道源出老子,先天出世,具诸资,上为神王宗,下为神王宗。飞仙宗师。 《云集七象》云:老君之母,乃吞日之精元妙玉女。 怀胎81年,左腋生下老君。 “生而白头,故名老子。” 据《玉龙传》载:自三皇五皇以来,为历代帝王之师。 神农时代的太成子、轩辕时代的广成子、尧帝时代的五成子等等,都是老子的化身。 周成王时,老君为朱下士,号景成子; 周昭王时,西过函谷关,过关令殷熙。 西汉文帝时,降山水之滨,号和尚公。 汉成帝时,降琅琊。 北魏神睿二年,下嵩山,传授道士寇谦之《云中印念心科戒》。 太武帝命寇谦之于太平元年铸“太平真君”号等。 唐宋时期,对老子的崇敬达到了顶峰。 唐尊老子为祖师,高宗追尊老子为太上宝元帝; 玄宗加名大圣祖道之元帝、大圣高尚道金门槛轩辕帝。 宋真宗大中祥符年间,“太清宫祀老子,封太上老君浑元上德帝”。 主一般称他的庙宇为太清宫、老君庙或老君庙。 他的形象往往是白发苍苍,面带慈祥,手持太极扇,面带微笑。

玉皇大帝与四大玉皇,全名昊天金阙至尊玉帝神。 他命令所有的神。 景德王和宝月光王后年老无子,请道士祈福。 后来在梦中,太上道士抱了一个婴儿给了皇后,醒来就怀孕了。 怀胎一年,丙午正月初九正午生于宫中。 太子长大后继承了皇位,不久射国就到普明香岩山修道,并成功了。 三千劫后,成金仙。 一亿多劫后,玉皇大帝被征服。 玉皇大帝住在大威玉清宫,也就是罗界天宫,又名通明宫。 玉皇大帝虽然没有三清尊贵,但在民间被奉为至高无上的神明。 明清时期的民​​间谚语说:“天上有玉皇大帝,地下有帝君”。 玉皇大帝主宰神、地、鬼,实际上是天上的帝王。 宋真宗大中祥符七年(1014年),封玉帝为“太上开天持符玉里含真身道玉帝神”。 到处都是玉皇庙和玉皇庙。 玉皇大帝身着九品长袍,头戴珠冠,手执玉钵。 每年农历正月初九“玉皇大帝诞辰”,道教庙宇都举行诞辰庆典,诵经祈福,祈求风调雨顺,国泰民安,道教昌盛。 . 每年腊月二十五日,玉皇大帝都会下凡巡视善恶,道观也作为指路之地。

“四皇子”又称“四辅”,地位仅次于三清和玉皇大帝,是玉皇大帝的助手。 帝童帝,南极长生帝。

紫微北极帝是“四皇”中的第一神。 道教认为,紫惠帝是元始天尊的化身。 天宫掌管天地经纬,统领三界星神和山河诸神。 它是所有现象的宗主。 紫微帝为历代帝王所崇拜,尤其是宋代,更常与玉皇大帝一同祭祀。 现在在四川大足等地,还可以看到许多宋代雕刻的道教造像,其中就有紫微帝。 紫微帝身着帝王装束,生日在农历四月十八日。

勾陈上宫帝,又称勾陈帝,在四帝中排名第二。 天帝在北极帝座之左,有四星,其形以钩状微弧相连,名钩辰。 住紫微上宫,即勾陈宫、南极江霄宫。 同北极而为枢纽,帝也随天,无始无气,三气以下,万天之上。 三界之中,没有尊崇这三皇(指昊天、北极、三皇)。 《玉清至尊灵宝自然北斗本生经》记载:从前,龙汉有位王,名叫周瑜,圣洁无边,当时的人们遭受了八万四千劫难。 王幼玉妃,睿智睿智,慈祥如意,封为日紫光夫人,誓生圣子,辅佐乾坤,造化福祉。 三千劫后,此王出世。 因为去年春天,百花盛开的时候,我在后花园玩耍,去了金莲暖玉池。 我脱掉衣服洗了个澡。 伟大的皇帝。

后土皇帝只是道教诸神“四皇”中的第三位天帝。 她是“四大皇宫”中唯一的女神。 她与掌管诸天的玉帝相配。 她被称为“天工与地母”。 大地山河之美。 自秦汉以来,历代帝王都崇拜后土。 北来正和六年(病六年),宋徽宗亲临玉清河阳宫,赐后土为“承天仿法大德光荣之皇土”。 一些道观除与其他三位皇帝一起祭祀后土外,还有供奉后土的后土殿、后土娘娘庙。

南极长生帝,又名南极长生四明、南极仙人或长生星。 他是掌管人间生命的天上之神。 《史记·正义》说:南极老人星“为民之主(即天子),延寿之故”。 它的出现预示着世界太平,国家长寿。 陶弘景《真灵位业图》名为《南极老人丹棱上镇》,列于太极左侧。 寿星的形象往往是高额头、长头、拄着长弯拐杖的白发老者。 俗称“南极仙女”。 过年时常将他的画像贴在家里,以示喜庆吉祥。

太后太后是玉皇大帝的妻子,地位极其尊贵。 她也被称为“太虚九光鬼台金母元君”或“九灵太庙鬼山金母”。 民间称为西王母。 在道经中,她被称为元始天王之女,太渊圣母。 也有人说她是“西华最妙之气”化成的。 三界十方中,升仙得道的女仙,都归西王母管辖。 世间凡是升天的仙人,都必须“先见西王母,后见东太子”,方可进入天庭,方可进入三清境,与元战天尊相会。

三官大帝 三官大帝为福帝,上元一品天官,饶恕大帝,中元二品地官,劫儿大帝,下苑三品水官。 有道经说,三官指的是元始天尊一息所化的尧、舜、禹三帝。 更通俗的说,三官就是陈子产所生的三个儿子和龙王的三个女儿,个个神通广大,法力无边。 于是元始天尊封长子紫微大帝为上元一品九气天官,住在玄都元阳七宝紫会上宫。 清虚帝君,二品七气地官,住无量界空宫窗,五山帝君,二十四山河帝君,九皇帝君,四维八极之神; 东引大帝居住在金灵长乐宫,九江水皇、四都神君、三河四海之神的总领主。 天官天子的生日是农历正月十五,地官天子的生日是农历七月十五,水官天子的生日是农历十月十五。农历月。 每逢三元节,人们都要到寺庙忏悔忏悔,祈福避灾。 信三官者,必须在三元日入斋,称为“三官斋”。 三官中,天官信仰最为普遍,民间奉为“财神爷”。 画年画时常身着大红官服,龙袍玉带,手持如意,慈祥面容,形象雍容华贵。 天官保佑长寿。

真武大帝 真武大帝,又名玄天神,被道教尊称为萤狐帝君,白金真武灵,简称“真武大帝”,民间俗称当魔天尊。 他是道教掌管北方天庭的重要神明。 中国古代占星师把太阳和月亮一天中经过的天空区域的星星分成二十八组,即二十八星座。 二十八星座分为四组,分别以东方青龙、南方朱雀、西方白虎、北方玄武四灵命名。 玄武指的是龟和蛇。 “地处北方,故名玄,身有鳞,故名吴。” 龟、蛇为北方七宿(斗、牛、女、虚、危、房、壁)中的玄武神。 它是一种象征,为人们所崇拜。 《元始天尊说北真武妙经》载:真武神君原为静乐国太子。 他又长又勇敢。 他发誓要消灭世间所有的恶魔,不统治王座。 德满,玉皇大帝命镇北,统领真武之位,将太和山改名为武当山,意为“非玄武不足为之”。 真武帝的诞辰在农历三月初三。 其像常身披黑衣,金甲玉带,刀光剑影,脚踏龟蛇,顶有圆光。 他的形象非常有力量。

北斗真君,又名北斗星君,是天界的星神。 掌管人间生死祸福,能消灾纳福。 据道经记载:北斗神常随三官(指天、地、水三官)出游,考察人间、阴间的功过。 对于作恶者,三官会向北斗神报告,然后将作恶者下地狱,永远囚禁在苦海中。 道经宣称,凡是一心信奉北斗的人,都可以永远脱离冥界的死亡名册,最终得道成仙。 祭祀北斗是道教中尤为重要的斋戒仪式。 北斗七星是紫光夫人(即斗母元君)之子。

斗母,又称斗母、斗母,被誉为“圆明道母天尊”。 杜姆是北斗七星的母亲。 她原来是陇汉时期周禹王的妃子,睿智善良,封为紫光夫人。 一年春天,他在御花园游玩时,忽然有所感触,便怀了孕,生下了九个儿子。 最年长的是天皇,四皇之一,歌臣上宫帝; 二是紫微帝,四皇之一,中天紫微北碚大帝。 其他七号分别是贪狼、巨门、禄存、文曲。 连真、五曲、破军为北斗星。 北斗七星掌管着每个生辰,只要供奉自己命神之星,就能得到神的庇佑。 他的形象有三只眼睛、四个头和八只手臂。 手执金印、弓、戟、日月、宝铃。 宫殿中常建有斗姆室、斗姆殿、斗姆阁等,赠与斗姆元君。

雷神雷神是雷霆部众神的统称。 雷神能明辨善恶,辨别善恶,代天主持公道,诛杀有罪之人。 应九天雷音,天尊成为雷部最高神,雷神天君三十六人,各执雷鼓。 震天惊雷。 九天当应雷音而概括天尊,“维天之祸福,平物之物,制物人之物,制生死之物”。 每年6月24日,是雷生普华天尊现身之日。 雷部诸神中,除了雷声和万变天外,更有名的还有邓、辛、庞、刘、毕等天元帅。

(2) 众仙众真

黄帝是五位天帝之一,是五位天帝中最重要的神,是东西南北五位天帝的中心位置。 “中土,其主黄帝,其辅后土,执绳四方。” 相传黄帝,姓公孙,号轩辕,是熊国君少典之子。 据《真仙身道史通鉴》记载,黄帝的母亲梦见一道闪电绕过北斗七星,于是在怀孕24个月时生下了黄帝。 15岁继承皇位,创立八卦、法历、皇冠、王府等,后又代替炎帝势力统一天下。 交友造反,黄帝终于擒杀了谷由。 后又游历名山,向吴光子、荣成功、广成玉等神仙请教修仙之道。 在王屋山炼制九鼎金丹,去青丘山拜见紫府先生领取三皇内典,在青城山拜见中皇掌人,暗中传授神仙法门,然后去云台山拜见仙书先生。 功成之日,天降巨龙,黄帝乘龙升天成仙。

东华帝姓王,号教父,道经称少阳帝。 《往世真仙身道通鉴》说,他是汉代山东人,拜白云上真师,号华阳真人。 后来,神符、秘法、金丹大道,都传给了钟离泉。 道经上也说,天子本是青阳元气化成的神,居于大晨宫,紫云为顶,青云为城。 或传曾隐居昆仑山,后迁居五台山紫府洞。 “东华紫府少阳主”。 全真尊峰是北方五祖的始祖。 《金莲正传》称全真之道,“太传于金母,金母传于白云,白云传于天子(王宣福)”。 东华帝诞相传是在农历二月初六。

三毛真君是汉代修道成仙的毛英、毛谷、毛忠三兄弟。 据道家记载,三毛皆为陕西咸阳人,主大毛,字颖,号树神。 18岁弃家赴恒山修道。 见西域诸王,拜其为师。 后又到各地著名的洞府参观,在龟山会见西王母,传授《太极玄真经》。 49岁辞师归家。 他的父母抱怨他长期出差,想要惩罚他。 毛影用别的方法分析了他的棍子,不禁赞叹不已。 毛英的弟弟毛固、毛忠,原为朝廷官员。 听说兄长学道成仙,便弃官归家。 他们想向毛颖学习道术。 学之不易,唯修炼成仙。 于是三毛兄弟就住在巨曲山,苦修了几年。 毛古、毛忠也都成仙了。 后来三毛去天庭见了玉皇大帝,都封为“九天统帅三毛樱化真君”。 因此,后人称茅氏三仙为“三茅真君”,将举曲山称为“三茅山”,简称“茅山”。 . 茅英在《真灵位业图》列清左,号“四明东岳上真卿太渊真人”,掌管人间生死。 其弟毛古号定策君,毛仲号救命君。


张陵(34—157),字符寒,号天师,道教尊称张道陵。 《历代神仙通鉴》和《列县传》说,他是汉六侯张​​良的八世孙,沛国(今江苏奉县)人。 其父张仪,字泰顺,曾居于天目山。 一天夜里,懿妻林夫人梦见北斗魁星降下神人,将横尾的药材赐给她,她就怀孕了。 归沛后,陵墓生于建武(25-26)甲午上元(5月18日)。 他出世时,生于黄云笼室,紫气弥漫,天光明若卵。 张道陵年少时聪慧过人,幼时便能研读《道德经》和天文地理书籍和河洛土味。 曾入太学,学五经。 顺帝年间(126—144年)隐居鹤鸣山(又名鹊鸣山,今四川省大邑县)修道。 据《列先全传》载,张陵善用复水治病,其著作逐渐出版。 后自称太上老君,“授法三日,命为天师”。 故有“三日正一真人法师”之称,着有道书24部诸神,创立五斗米道,后世又称天师道、正一道。 其子孙承天师之道,历代朝廷封号。

张道陵是道教的创始人。 再加上他道术高深,降妖除魔,神通广大,白日升仙,在道教中地位极高。

碧霞元君或泰山玉女,俗称泰山娘娘,简称碧霞元君,东岳泰山天仙玉女。 传说很多,有的说是泰山神女,有的说是黄帝派到泰山去见西坤真人的玉女,有的说是华山玉女。 早在汉代,就有关于泰山神女的传说。 人们在泰山顶上刻石造像,筑玉池供奉。 《泰山宝卷》主要讲述了民间广为流传的泰山皇后神迹。

文昌帝君是道教诸神中的重要神祇。 又名咸宣帝,是文昌神与梓潼神的合一。 《历代仙人通鉴》说他“掌握三十三天长生不老,掌握生命和不幸,掌握十八地狱和轮回”。 在天象上,北斗魁星附近有六颗文昌星。 其中“思禄”星为贵人之主,“思命”星为长寿之主。 梓潼神原是四川的守护神,名叫张亚子(或邪子)。 相传祖居月邑,为母报仇移居梓潼。 升为大将军,战死沙场。 蜀人立祠祭祀。 唐朝时期多次出现。 《清河内传》说他生于周初,已化年七十三。 生于西晋末年清河老人家。 他叫张政。 明代“文昌词,遍天下诸家”。 清代,每逢农历二月三日,文昌帝诞辰,朝廷都会派员祭扫。 文昌帝的形象大多雍容华贵,坐驾白驴诸神,身边还有两个又聋又哑的神童。


钟离拳又称“汉钟离”。 相传姓“钟离”,名权。 后改名爵,号季道,号正阳子,又号云放先生。 全启道人为“正阳祖师”,《金莲正录》列为北方五祖之一。 关于他的传说可以追溯到五朝宋初。 《宣和书谱》、《医鉴志》、《宋史》等书均有他的事迹。

吕洞宾是“八仙”中传闻最广的神仙。 姓卢,名颜,字洞宾。 一位相传为唐朝宗室,姓李,武则天屠杀唐氏后裔,遂携妻隐居碧水丹山,改姓卢。 因常居于岩下,故名岩,又常居于洞中,故名洞宾。 又相传为唐朝礼部尚书牧卿之孙。 因仕途多波折,转学道学。 后世道教和民间称其为“剑仙”、“九仙”、“诗仙”,名扬天下。 吕洞宾在得道成仙前,在长安酒楼遇见钟离泉,在长安酒楼遇见钟离泉,并称他为“黄梁梦”。 所以他必须接受金液丹和灵宝,才能完成功法。 后来,他遇到了火龙真主,并传授了日月崇拜法则。 还得了火龙真人的天遁剑诀,号称“斩贪嗔一次,斩爱欲三番,斩烦恼三番”。 民间传说有吕洞宾三醉岳阳楼、独铁拐离岳、飞剑斩黄龙等故事。 宋代吕洞宾被封为“妙通真人”,元代被封为“纯阳颜正正化善佑帝”,道教尊称“吕祖”,全真教被尊为“北五祖”之一”。 他的生日是四月十四日。

何仙姑是“八仙”中唯一的女仙。 相传,她原名和秀姑,是唐武则时的和泰之女。 十五岁时,孟神人教他吃云母粉,他便轻如飞天,往返于山顶,吃着野果,孝顺母亲。 后来遇到陆纯阳,就给了她一个桃子。 吃完饭,不饿也不渴,就练起了辟谷。 知道人和事的好坏是非常有效的。 村民们奉为神明,为她盖楼居住。 吴则不知道自己的名字,就派使者来召见,路上不知如何是好。 农历三月初七是何仙姑的生日。 这一天,四方乡人聚集在广州增城的何仙姑庙,或唱大戏,或办庙宇,举行庆典,互相追随,成为习俗。

李铁拐是“八仙”中年龄最大的神仙,又称“铁拐李”、“铁拐先生”。 关于他的传说很多。 《纪说全真》记载他是西王母开悟的仙人。 He was named the of , the iron , went to the to teach Hua Han Zhong , and was named of Zifu. often say that he was a who had the Tao, with a burly body. Later, he went to the of , left his body in his , and asked his to guard it for seven days. , on the sixth day, his to home to see their . , so he his body with fire. After Li , he had no body to rely on, and he came back to life with a , his body ugly and . the Yuan and Ming , it was also among the that Li was a of Lu .

to Lan Caihes , it was a group of . boots on one foot, on the other, a wide belt, a big , while drunk. Its say: Ta Ge Lan Caihe, what can the world do? A woman is a tree, and a year is a . The go , but today come more. . Later, I the and beams, got drunk in , and went by crane fairy. There is a poem in , which goes like this: on the long board is not crazy. My son Cao is busy with a . When will I meet the old man in blue, and dance to the .

Han Shuzi was the of Han Yu, a in the Tang . Yao He wrote in to Han Xiang : , I heard about the in the , and my name is from the of . I will go to high at , and my will be . He is a young man who is . At first, it was not said that Han Xiang had . Zazu said that Han from his and an , and he was able to make and Wine. The book does not say that Han Zhis is Han Xiang. Later Han Xiang Han . The of Han how and Lu Han to and a fairy. The image of Han Xian is often a boy with a flute in one hand.

Zhang to , Zhang was a in the Tang who was good at magic. He often lived in in in and Fen and Jin. It is said that he is of years old. the reign of of the Tang , he to the and asked about the gods and times, all of which were kept . that his face was aging, asked the why he was like this, and : Yu was Bing in Yaos time and Yao was a . Later to marry Zhang with , Solid words do not the edict. to , Zhang often rode a white , of miles a day, and at night he it like paper, put it in a towel box, and when he rode, he would spray it with water and turn it into a .

Uncle Cao Guo said that he was the of Cao of Song , named . pure and kind, and , and and . Later, his was and , and . The uncle of the felt , so he fled to the to , and was by Lu , and he was as a . In other words, when he a monk, the gave him a gold medal. After the River a boat, he the gold medal. When he met Lu and with him, he was among the Eight . Its image often wears a gauze hat and a red robe .

The Five are by . Five , there are two in the north and the south. The Five of the South are Zhang , Shi Tai, Xue Shi, Niwan Cuixu Chen Pei, and Zixu Bai . The Five are , , Lu , Liu , and Fuji . The seven reals are Qiu Chuji from , Ma Yu from Wuwei, Tan from Yunde, Liu from , Wang Chuyi from , Hao from , and Sun Buer from . (For , refer to the Eight , and for , refer to the Eight Lu ) real s is Zhang, his name is , and his style is Uncle Ping. Later, he his name to (Cheng), and was Man, so later also him Zhang . Born in the first year of Song (984). of of Past says: Zhang lived in in Jiyou (994), met Liu, the -in-law of , and on the of the s heat, and chose Xingan to , which is into Cave, Dan Cheng then to . back to Shu, I met again, and him the of inner of the jade-green shank for .

In the year of (1075), he wrote Wu Zhen Pian, and . s of Three and One that it is into three parts, Dao is one, to on March 15th in the fifth year of Song (1082). He is as the head of the five of Sect.

s is Shi , and his style name is Dezhi, and his name is , also known as Zhai . Song was born in (now , ) in the first year of (1022). Shi Tai likes to do good deeds, the world and help . He often uses to help any . He only to plant an tree, which will a after a long time, so the world calls it Stone . When the are ripe, they are by , and they pay their own value under the tree. The are taken from the grove to buy rice, and they are used to help the poor in . Zhang gave them the Dao. He is the of Huan Yuan Pian (also known as Huan Yuan Pian). On 15th, the year of , of Song (1158), he was and to .

Shi Tais had a great on later , and he was as the of the South Five of the , and he was as .

s real is Xue , with the word , also known as (). He was born in (now , ) in the Song . One said that he was from Jizu in . Born in the first year of (1078) of Song . He was a monk at the , with the name of , and the first name of Chan . of being and fond of and of , he the human way, and wrote Huan Dan Pian and Song of Dan Sui to the world. on the ninth day of in the year of of Song (1191), and lived for 114 years.

Xue s inner had a great on later , and he later Chen Nan what he had , and made great to the of , so he was as the South Five of . Three , as .

Niwan Cuixus is Chen , his style name is Nanmu, and his name is Cuixu. Born in , Boluo , (now east of , ) in the Song . He used to make pans and as his , and later Xue him the Taiyi Jue, and the Limu God and Man it on to the Dalei . He and great in . With the of the world, and , the soil is often to treat s , and call it Chen Ni Wan. In Song (1111-1118), he was to Daolu . He is the of Cuixu . Song six years (1213), Yiyun four years (1211) April 14th in , and .

Chen Nans Cuixu Pian today, Zi Ting Jing, Dan Ji Gui Yi, Luo Fu Cui Xu Yin, Dan Jue, etc., all the of inner for Qi and the mind. He had a great in , so he was as the of Five , and was as Cuixu

s true was Ge and his name was , and his was Ruhui. he came from the Bai , he was also Bai. Lai was born in , South China Sea (now , ) in the year of (1229). Since he was young, he was and from . At the age of , he took up the boys . Later, Ren Xia , he died in Wuyi and a . He Lake, Xishu, . (1208-1224) sent an edict to go to the , said the , and the Taiyi to be built. Later, no one knew where it was, or the was in . He is the of , Bai , Mr. , and Wuyi .

, Liu , , named , and , was born in of the Five . In Liao , the soil, and Liu , the Lord of Yan in the Five , from to prime . On , he likes the study of life and the way of Huang Lao. It is said that one day, when he met a , he woke up. He his , from his , his wife and son, and a monk. He often and , and later a . of is one of the Five .

Fuji named Wang , of , known as , , later , . Born in (now , ) at the end of Song and the of Jin . After being , he his name to Zhe, , and . He calls Wang San ( third) or San Zhai Crazy. In the first year of Jin s (1161), a tomb was built in . He lived in the tomb for more than two years and the tomb of the dead. In the year of Jin (ill7), he left and went to to and save . He Ma , Tan , Liu , Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Hao , and Sun Buer as . In of the tenth year of Jin (117), he in (now , Henan). He is the of , and so on. Wang as the fifth of the Five .

The Seven refer to Qiu Chuji from , Ma from Wuwei, Tan from Yunde, Liu from , Wang Chuyi from , Hao from , and Sun Buer from . They are the seven of Wang . They are all from , and most of them come from with high . Known as the Seven . The is into seven : , , Nanwu, , , , and . After that, they each to . The Seven have the and had a on the of , and there are of that have been in the world.

Mazu is also known as , , and . The saint of , came to the world as the jade girl of , and her is on March 23. She was the sixth of Lin Yuan who Lin Yuan in the of the Five . She was named Lin Mo Niang. She was born in the first year of Song (950). 苦恼。 After she a fairy, the felt her and paid to her for the of the Ling . Since the Song , it has been in all . At the , she was the title of Mrs. and . In the , she was the title of by for rain due to . In the great of the Yuan , to the of water and make it , he was the title of the , the and the . the of the Ming , she had the merit of the sea and , and was the title of of Piety and Pure Fuji. In the Qing , it was also the title of Queen of and Mercy. There are many to Mazu in , such as Mrs. Lin and Fuxi .
